Wednesday, January 23, 2013


解釋 新約聖經 [教會] 的關係

- 由教會撰寫 Written by the Church
- 由教會選定 Selected by the Church
- 由教會編輯 Edited by the Church
- 由教會傳播 Transmitted by the Church
- 由教會翻譯 Translated by the Church

舊約 新約 的關鍵/核心區別是什麼?

O.T. – The exclusiveness of the covenant between God and the people of Israel
N.T. – The inclusiveness of the covenant based on the cup of Jesus its openness to the world

基督誕生前後, 有什麼文化,政治和宗教的因素影響到基督教的傳教使命?

Culturally Greek common language was widely used
Politically Roman Empire provided the safe and efficient transportations
Religiously People were longing for the voice of God for nearly 400 years

約翰福音 馬太 馬可 路加福音的差異點

約翰福音 --
    三個逾越節 (共觀福音只有一個逾越節);
     沒有比喻, 只有論述
     沒有最後的晚餐, 只有洗腳禮儀
路加福音 馬太 馬可 約翰福音 "復活記載" 的差異點

耶穌顯現在加利利 (馬太 28: 7; 馬可 16: 7; 約翰 21: 1)
耶穌顯現在耶路撒冷 (路加 24: 33-37) with a mission
        2:1-11   第一神蹟  3:1-21   第一論述
        4:1-41   第二論述  4:46-54 第二神蹟
        5:1-18   第三神蹟  5:19-47 第三論述
        6:6-13   第四神蹟  6:22-71 第四論述
        6:16-21 第五神蹟  7:1-53a 第五論述
        8:12-59 第六論述  9:1-41   第六神蹟
        10:1-42 第七論述  11:1-45 第七神蹟

我們不再有歷史上的耶穌, 我們如何建立我們的信心?

        Do you believe that somehow God was in Jesus Christ reconciling the world to Himself?
        Do you believe that Jesus Christ is divine?
        Do you believe that Jesus is God incarnate, God in the flesh?

The answers to these questions are the fundamental aspect of Christian faith.

[使徒行傳] 值得提及的主題是什麼 

        The Holy Spirit (the main actor) in the life of the Church
            "約翰是用水施洗.但不多幾日, 你們要受聖靈的洗. 但聖靈降臨在你們身上, 你們
             就必得著能力. 並要在耶冷 猶太全地, 和撒瑪利亞, 直到地極, 作我的見證"
            (行傳 1:5, 8)
        The Church in a Non-Christian culture
        Various ways of becoming a Christian
         (行傳 2:1-47; 8:4-40; 9:1-19; 10:1-48; 16:11-15; 25-40; 17:16-43)
        The Church as the plan and purpose of God (with the expectation of the second
          coming of Christ)
        The relation of Christians to the Secular world
        The Unity of One Church

1. 打魚人 (路加 5: 1-5)
2. 得人如魚 (路加 5: 10)
3. 教會的磐石, 天國的鑰匙 (馬太 16: 16-19)
4. 三次不認主 (馬太 26: 69-75)
5. 牧人 - 餵養主的羊 (約翰 21: 15-17)


1.     The author uses the metaphoric (隱喻) stories to describe the messages of
      the God to His people : 
              * 牧羊人 (Chapter 10)  
              * 一粒麥子 (Chapter 12)  
              *  葡萄樹 - 枝子 (Chapter 15)       
2.     The Word became Flesh; God became human; Light came to the darkness
3.     The author also uses signs and discourses to explain the good news found
        in Jesus

[基督論]是什麼? 早期基督教議會的爭論點

The divinity and humanity of Jesus
The Lordship and the friendship of Jesus
The role of Jesus in Jewish traditions
The role of Jesus vs. Messiah
The salvation accomplished by Jesus
耶穌, 彼得, 保羅, 希伯來書和啟示錄的福音中心思想是什麼?

耶穌 當悔改進入天國 /上帝國 (四福音書)
彼得餵養主的羊 (約翰福音 21: 15-17)
保羅因信稱義, 就藉著我們的主耶穌基督, 得與 神相和 (羅馬書 5: 1-2)
希伯來書  耶穌自己成為大祭司和羔羊
啟示錄 "神要擦去他們一切的眼淚. 不再有死亡, 也不再有悲哀, 哭號, 疼痛, 因為以前的事都過去了." (啟示錄21: 4)

[新約導論] 課程的座右銘

-- "他叫我們能承當這新約的執事. 不是憑著字句, 乃是憑著精意. 因為那字句是叫人死,
   精意是叫人活. " (哥林多後書 3: 6)
-- The central fact that God has revealed himself to men through Jesus Christ is in the last resort based for Christians on faith and experience and not on knowledge alone.
-- Treasure the questions before rushing to the answers.

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